Who am I ?

Let me introduce myself: After my degree in clinical psychology (1995), I have followed some different trainings (sand-play; psychomotricity, and most of: all dream analysis). Coming back to Belgium, I now intend to be visible on the net.
Coming to my long, rich and varied experience, I need to explain how I consider therapy:

  • I aim to consider the human being in its totality;
  • To consider the person from a higher point of view, and I focus on the problems in the same way;
  • The therapy can be short or long, according to demand;
  • And more specifically: I use a non-exclusive symbolical approach;
  • A special concern for the inner child, the suffering one and /or as a symbol of a new life.

Today I welcome all adults: those who are said to be suffering from a mental illness as well as those who define themselves as “stuck” in any kind of situation. And still, I also accept children who are suffering from autism spectrum disorders. I finally use the sand-play tool as the ad-hoc mean to handle ad-hoc family or couple problems. (A short-term therapy that provides clarifications). I eventually feel free to warmly support any of you in individual therapy or in a small group for hypersensitive persons. All welcome!

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sychologist Uccle

Psychologist Tournai

Quelqu’un que vous connaissez souffre-t-il ou vous-même souffrez-vous de dépression ? Nous allons vous aider

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