Who am I ?

An ever-smiling mask hiding as much as possible, the questions, the deep doubts, the discomfort, the feeling of being misunderstood, the hypersensitivity that was (too) awkward/difficult for others, consequently, forcing me to try to learn to control my emotions. Psychologist

I was lost, disconnected from my true self because I had lost pieces of myself along my life path. Unconsciously or not, I had left pieces of myself along my path to be able to adapt (conform) to expectations, to pressure, to the vision of society, of what we should or should not be, do, appear.

And then, the weight of this foggy path far from my true self, far from a meaningful path for me, from a path aligned with myself, my values, with what was right for me, became too much and I collapsed. And from that point, the new path of (re)construction began.

I set out in search of myself, of who I was, of the meaning of my life, of my deep values. On this path, I found the pieces of myself scattered throughout my life, I gathered them and started to piece myself back together to a new me and I (re)discovered who I truly was. I took back what I had given up to others, I anchored myself to stay in what is right and makes sense for me. Psychologist

This transformation (process) allows me today to move forward with my head held high, proud of my journey and in gratitude for the gift of this path.

I rediscovered the joy of being me and being able to move forward on my path with confidence because it is the one that is right for me regardless of what others may or may not think. Psychologist

This process of personal and professional transformation has led me today to return to the essentials of my life mission: supporting others, whether in the professional or private (need for) growth.

Drawing on my background as a psychologist, my life experience and a wide range of tools (NLP, art therapy, constellation, meditation, co-development… business model for you, etc.), I will support you in your path of discovery of your potential in alignment with yourself.

My words: welcome, kindness, anchoring, gentleness

Quelqu’un que vous connaissez souffre-t-il ou vous-même souffrez-vous de dépression ? Nous allons vous aider

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